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Ashley McDonough-Turnipseed

Intersecting Faith and College Athletics

Updated: Feb 23, 2023

Christianity is a monotheistic religion centered on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. It is one of the world's largest religions, with more than 2 billion followers. In America, Christianity offers an array of spiritual guidance and support to its followers who practice it in various denominations, each emphasizing different beliefs and values. For many Christians in America, their faith provides them with hope, purpose, comfort during difficult times, and guidance on how to live their lives according to biblical principles.

College athletics is a significant part of American society, and college athletes can be seen as role models for youth. College sports programs offer numerous benefits to students and universities, such as increased school spirit, financial support from boosters and alums, physical fitness and health opportunities, social networking platforms for student-athletes, media exposure that helps promote the university's brand name recognition in recruiting efforts, etc.

Christian values have played an essential role in the success of many college athletic programs over the years. Examples include using faith-based team prayers or devotions before games; emphasizing character-building skills like selflessness, hard work ethic, and resilience through adversity; encouraging spiritual growth through Bible studies or weekly chapel services provided by campus ministries; moral guidance on issues of substance abuse or sexual misconduct promoted by coaches who serve as mentors; helping student-athletes to find their identity within their faith community rather than just with their sport alone. All these practices have helped create an environment where players feel valued beyond just the wins on the field--but instead know they are part of something bigger than themselves.

For many college athletes, faith plays an essential role in their lives. Faith helps to provide meaning and purpose to their goals, as well as providing them with a moral compass for how they approach competition and sportsmanship. Prayer can help athletes stay focused on the task and offer guidance under challenging decisions or moments of doubt. Studies have found that prayer can increase feelings of hope, reduce stress levels associated with performance anxiety, and improve physical performance due to increased concentration on the field or court. Many teams also pray before games to build unity amongst players while reminding them of their spiritual identity outside of athletics.

Psalm 19:14 states, "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer." This verse is highly relevant to the mindset and performance of college athletics as it encourages athletes to focus on thoughts that are pleasing to God while striving for excellence in their sport. It serves as a reminder to stay committed to one's goals and keep working hard despite challenges or setbacks. By keeping this passage at the forefront of their minds during competitions or practices, athletes can maintain a positive outlook throughout any circumstances they may face. Ultimately, Psalm 19:14 helps athletes draw strength from their faith during difficult times while finding a balance between spiritual growth and athletic development.

Coaches with solid Christian backgrounds can bring unique attributes to their teams. These coaches are often seen as mentors and role models to the players, teaching them valuable lessons about life, faith, and sportsmanship. Their emphasis on unity and respect for one another helps to foster an environment of team spirit that extends beyond wins and losses. These coaches also tend to hold their players accountable for more than just achievements during practices or games, emphasizing values such as honesty, integrity, compassion, humility, and giving back to the community through service projects or mission trips. This type of guidance instills positive character traits in athletes that extend far beyond what any game can offer. Additionally, these coaches provide spiritual guidance while encouraging individual growth within each player's faith journey, creating an atmosphere where everyone is respected regardless of religious beliefs or differences among teammates.

1 Timothy 6:1-16 is particularly relevant to college coaches' mentoring abilities and performance as it guides how to lead with integrity. It encourages coaches to be models of excellence for their athletes, teaching them to work hard and stay focused in pursuing their goals. Additionally, this passage reminds coaches that they should always act in a way that respects the dignity of each athlete by avoiding selfishness or greed. Ultimately, 1 Timothy 6:1-16 serves as an important reminder for college coaches about how best to lead their teams while providing a positive example for all players involved.

Countless successful athletes have been strongly influenced by their Christian faith. One example is basketball player LeBron James, who has credited his Christian upbringing for giving him the strength and fortitude to pursue his ambitious goals and succeed despite his many obstacles. Another example is tennis star Serena Williams, who often wears a cross necklace during matches as a reminder of her faith. Numerous other professional athletes from different sports have also spoken about how religion helped them reach higher levels of success, such as football quarterback Russell Wilson, Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps, soccer player Tim Howard, and basketball players Stephen Curry and Kyrie Irving. All these athletes have expressed that their spiritual growth played an integral role in helping them achieve athletic greatness while staying humble throughout their journey.

1 John 5:14 states, "And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us." This verse is a powerful reminder for college athletes to stay true to their convictions, even when complex or challenging. It emphasizes that God hears and answers our prayers with faith and sincerity; therefore, no matter how tough things may get or how far away from their beliefs they may feel, college athletes can always rely on the strength of their faith and trust in God. Ultimately, 1 John 5:14 encourages college athletes to seek comfort in prayer, knowing that God will listen and help them stay focused on what matters most—living a life rooted in faithfulness and conviction.

Combining Christian values with college athletics can lead to team and individual success. A strong emphasis on faith, morality, and character-building gives athletes a sense of purpose in their pursuits. It helps to establish an atmosphere built on mutual respect among teammates. Additionally, having coaches that are well-versed in spiritual guidance offers athletes moral support when making important decisions on and off the field. Prayer practices have also been found to reduce stress levels associated with athletic competition while increasing feelings of hope during difficult times or periods of doubt. Ultimately, combining Christian values into college athletics can benefit all involved by providing the motivation needed to reach higher levels of achievement while teaching valuable lessons about sportsmanship along the way.

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