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Writer's pictureAshley McDonough

"Faith it" Until You Make It

Updated: Feb 23, 2023

In today's world of social media, it can be easy to get lost in a false reality. But as this new article from Coached by Christ explains, 'Faith It' Until You Make It can help combat the distortion created by what we see on our phones and computers. Find out how faith-based college athletes and coaches are using their beliefs to focus on their purpose, stay grounded, and thrive despite the pressures of virtual society.

Social media has seen a massive surge in popularity over the last decade as more and more people turn to these platforms for communication and entertainment. This growth can be attributed to several factors, including convenience, accessibility, increased connectivity with others worldwide, and better-targeted marketing features that appeal directly to users' interests. Furthermore, recent technological advancements have made it easier for users of all ages and backgrounds to create content on popular social media sites like Instagram or Facebook. This has opened up vast opportunities for businesses looking to market their brand online or individuals who want an easy way of staying connected with friends and family.

While social media offers many benefits, it can also negatively impact people's lives. One of the primary concerns with extensive use of social media is the potential for online bullying or harassment. It has been found that this type of abuse is often targeted at vulnerable members of society. This post will examine how social media can affect college students' connection to their faith.

First, social media has the potential to become a significant distraction from spiritual practices and time devoted to connecting with God. Many platforms are filled with negative influences, toxic conversations, and content not conducive to deepening one's relationship with God. Additionally, spending too much time scrolling through social media tends to reduce the quality of time spent engaging in more meaningful activities such as reading scripture, attending church services, and fellowshipping with peers of similar faith.

Second, overexposure to the constant influx of information on social media can lead college students away from their religious beliefs rather than towards them due to conflicting opinions. Without proper guidance or discernment skills, they may feel confused or unsure about their beliefs, damaging their faith and doubting its importance in their lives.

Finally, depending on how it is used, social media also promotes comparison culture, which goes against many Scriptural teachings that emphasize humility and gratitude for our individual beauty (1 Peter 3:3-4). This environment encourages self-doubt instead of positive self-esteem, which further disconnects individuals from their faith experience.

College students can use social media to safeguard them from false doctrines by taking the time to research and verify any information they come across online, relying on trusted sources when available. Additionally, college students need to be thoughtful about what they share on social media and think critically about their posts—refraining from posting or sharing anything that could lead to confusion or be perceived as promoting false doctrines.

More importantly, staying true to one's faith in God requires being attentive to spiritual needs while using social media, seeking out positive content such as inspirational messages, and engaging with like-minded people who support each other's beliefs. College students should also take breaks from their screens every now and then so they can focus on prayer, meditation, worshiping God through music, etc. This will help keep their faith strong during this crucial point in life.

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